Hunter Mill is open for guests this year!
When bringing a guest to the pool, please make sure they have completed the HMSRC Guest Waiver. This is for adult guests, and parents/guardians of minors visiting our pool.
You can download the form and complete it before arriving at the pool, or it is available at the front desk when you check in with your guest(s). Don’t forget to buy your guests passes!
Adult members are permitted to bring no more than five (5) minor children under the age of 10 at one time.
If you are going to have more than ten (10) guests (regardless of age), rental of the gazebo is required. Gazebo rental policies can be found here.
All members are supplied with the most recent version of the HMSRC Operating Rules and Regulations at the time they start their membership. However, from time-to-time, these Rules may be updated. You can always find the most recent iteration of the Rules here.
If you have any questions about the Rules and Regulations, please contact